Sustainable Bliss

never stop learning!

Bible Nuggets - Overview

It bothers me when "religious" folks grab a passage from the Bible to justify a political or moral position that seems to me to go against the compassion that is the cornerstone of Christianity. I have never read the whole Bible, nor a whole book of the Bible, from beginning to end. So I decided to try to do that, so I can understand the context of excerpts, and be able to talk intelligently in those circumstances.

The 'Bible Nuggets' entries will contain what I consider to be the core stories of each book, and snippets that seem important to me.

I am reading a Saint Joseph Edition of The New American Bible Bible, copyright 1970 by the Catholic Book Publishing Co, the one I purchased in High School for Religion Classes.

Personal Directions and Stars

Personal Directions - Your Kua Number

  1. add last 2 digits of birth year
  2. reduce to single number by adding together if 2 digits
  3. female : add 5 and reduce to a single number by adding together if 2 digits
  4. male : subtract from 10
  5. if 5, male=2, female=8

Face in the direction noted to take advantage of it. Note: must also take into account the directions of unhealthy elements in a particular year.

Kua Number Group Prosperity Sheng Chi Health Tien Yi Relationship Nien Yen Stability Fu Wei Least Favorable Chueh Ming Other Unfavorable
1 East SE E S N SW W, NW, NE
2 West NE W NW SW N E, SE, S
3 East S N SE E W NW, NE, SW
4 East N S E SE NE SW, W, NW
6 East W NE SW NW S N, E, SE
7 West NW SW NE W E N, S, SE
8 West SW NW W NE SE N, E, S
9 East E SE N S NW NE, SW, W

Your Personal Stars

Principal Star

how you are now

  1. add last 2 digits of birth year
  2. reduce result to single number by adding together if 2 digits
  3. principal star = subtract result from 10
    Principal Star Color Element Direction
    1 White Water N
    2 Black Earth SW
    3 Green Wood E
    4 Green Wood SE
    5 Yellow Earth Center
    6 White Metal NW
    7 Red Metal W
    8 White Earth NE
    9 Purple Fire S

Character Star

who you revert to when you are stressed, how you manifest yourself as a child

Birth Date Principal Star of 1, 4, 7 Principal Star of 2, 5, 8 Principal Star of 3, 6, 9
February 4 - March 5 8 2 5
March 6 - April 5 7 1 4
April 6 - May 5 6 9 3
May 6 - June 5 5 8 2
June 6 - July 7 4 7 1
July 8 - August 7 3 6 9
August 8 - September 7 2 5 8
September 8 - October 8 1 4 7
October 9 - November 7 9 3 6
November 8 - December 7 8 2 5
December 8 - January 5 7 1 4
January 6 - February 3 6 9 3

Energetic Star

how you leave a first impression

Principal Star
 Character Star 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Flying Star / Lo Shu

This chart is a combination of items learned by Chinese astrology, Flying Star and Feng Shui, and I put it all together to help me have everything in one place for multiple purposes (personal alignment, personal astrology, home alignment, etc), though all info does not necessarily connect to each other, and using the information requires knowledge of the impacts of personal alignment, house alignment, annual energies and other considerations.

Direction SouthEast South SouthWest
Star 4 green - romance 9 purple 2 black - illness
Area Abundance Fame + Recognition Intimate Relationships
Element yang wood (+water, -fire) yang fire (+wood, -water) earth (+fire, -wood)
Colors green red, purple, pink, orange yellow, beige, terra cotta
Shapes column, pillar cone, triangle, star square, rectangle
Suggestions plants, flowers, wood, books candles, lighting, animals terra cotta, shells, ceramics, tile
Animal  Red Phoenix
Season rapid growth fame germination / flux
Compass Dragon (112.5 - 127.5) Wood (127.5 - 142.5) Snake (142.5 - 157.5) Yang Fire (157.5 - 172.5) Horse (172.5 - 187.5) Yin Fire (187.5 - 202.5) Sheep/Goat (202.5 - 217.5) Earth (217.5 - 232.5) Monkey (232.5 - 247.5)
Direction East Tai Ch'i West
Star star: 3 green - misunderstanding 5 yellow- misfortune 7 red - theft
Area Family Center Creativity
Element yang wood (+water, -fire) yang earth (+fire, -wood) yin metal (+earth, -fire)
Colors green yellow, beige, terra cotta white, gray, metallic
Shapes column, pillar square, rectangle circle, oval, arch
Suggestions plants, flowers, wood, books terra cotta, shells, ceramics, tile silver, gold, bronze, copper, iron, electronics, precious stones
Animal Green Dragon
Season sprouting / growth center stage / fluctuation celebration / balance
Compass Yang Wood (67.5 - 82.5) Rabbit (82.5 - 97.5) Yin Wood (97.5 - 112.5) Yang Metal (247.5 - 262.5) Rooster (262.5 - 277.5) Yin Metal (277.5 - 292.5)
Direction NorthEast North NorthWest
Star 8 white - prosperity 1 white 6 white - heaven luck
Area Personal Growth Career/Life Purpose Helpful People + Travel
Element earth (+fire, -wood) yin water (+metal, -earth) yin metal (+earth, -fire)
Colors yellow, beige, terra cotta blue, black white, gray, metallic
Shapes square, rectangle free form shape circle, oval, arch
Suggestions terra cotta, shells, ceramics, tile fountain, glass, bird bath silver, gold, bronze, copper, iron, electronics, precious stones
Animal Black Tortoise White Tiger
Season contemplation / flux planting / stillness prosperity / harvesting
Compass Tiger (52.5 - 67.5) Mountain (37.5 - 52.5) Ox (22.5 - 37.5) Yang Water (337.5 - 352.5) Rat (352.5 - 7.5) Yin Water (7.5 - 22.5) Dog (292.5 - 307.5) Metal (307.5 - 322.5) Boar/Pig (322.5 - 337.5)

Element Relationships

Water in Wood in Fire in Earth in Metal in
Water  :) :| use metal ok  :( use metal  :)
Wood  :) :)  :| use water  ok  :( use water
Fire :( use wood :)  :)  :| use wood  ok
Earth  ok  :( use fire  :)  :)  :| use fire
Metal  :| use earth  ok  :( use earth  :)  :)

Source for compass degrees - Flying Star Feng Shui Made Easy by David Twicken

For an expert consultation, please contact Kathryn at Feng Shui Resource

Feng Shui 2015



home: 8 (earth)

visitor: Heaven Luck 6 (yin metal)


add fire

Yearly Clash (22.5 - 37.5)

Tiger (52.5 – 67.5)) Ox (22.5 – 37.5)


home: 1 (yin water)

visitor: Prosperity 8 (earth)


add metal



home: 6 (yin metal)

visitor: Romance 4 (yang fire)


add earth

Dog (292.5 – 307.5) Boar/Pig (322.5 – 337.5)


home: 3 (yang wood)

visitor: 1 (yin water)



Tai Ch'i

home: 5 (yang earth)

visitor: Arguments 3 (yang wood)


add fire


home: 7 (yin metal)

visitor: Yellow 5 (yang earth)




home: 4 (yang fire)

visitor: Illness 2 (earth)


add wood

Dragon (112.5 – 127.5) Snake (142.5 – 157.5)


home: 9 (yang fire)

visitor: Theft 7 (yin metal)




home: 2 (earth)

visitor: 9 (yang fire)


Grand Duke Jupiter (202.5 - 217.5)

Sheep/Goat (202.5 – 217.5) Monkey (232.5 – 247.5)

Feng Shui for the New Year

When Chinese New Year comes around, it is important to check out the Lo Shu Square and see what changes you need to make in your house to enhance auspicious sectors and offset afflicted ones.

The main afflictions are:

  • Grand Duke Jupiter (obstacles)
    • clean sector thoroughly this sector of the house should be basically left alone
    • should not face this direction or have bed in this direction
    • no wind chimes or bird feeders, anything that attracts motion
    • place Pi Yao in appropriate sector, facing appropriate direction to confront/protect from that energy
  • Yearly Clash (opposite Grand Duke Jupiter)
    • this sector of the house should be basically left alone
    • should not face this direction or have bed in this direction
    • no wind chimes or bird feeders, anything that attracts motion
  • #2 - illness : combat with 6 coins on red cord
  • #3 - arguments : combat by adding some fire elements, but not too much
  • Yellow #5 - misfortune, illness : combat with salt water cure
  • #7 - theft, burglary, betrayal : combat with 3-stalk bamboo plant in glass vase

The main auspicious stars are:

#1 - Victory star, good luck : enhance with metal coins #4 - romance : enhance with pair of ducks #6 - synchronicity, Heaven luck : enhance with metal wind chime, representation of spirit helpers - Buddha, angels, etc #8 - prosperity, money : enhance with crystals, money vase #9 - multiplying, future luck, future opportunities, future money


compare the year's animal with your animal(s) based on your birth year/month/day/time


  • Rat, Dragon, Monkey
  • Ox, Snake, Rooster/Phoenix
  • Tiger, Horse, Dog
  • Rabbit, Sheep/Goat, Boar/Pig
Conflicting Pairs

  • Rat - Horse
  • Ox - Sheep/Goat
  • Tiger - Monkey
  • Rabbit - Rooster/Phoenix
  • Dragon - Dog
  • Snake - Boar/Pig

General Approach:

  1. what stars are in what sectors
  2. compare sector 'home' elements to 'visiting' elements and see if the relationship is good, bad or indifferent
  3. craft cures to compensate for negative elements/spaces and enhance positive ones
  4. evaluate house sectors based on Bagua map overlaid with Lo Shu, taking into account house direction, inhabitant directions and animal(s)
  5. clean/bless crystals, Pi Yao, protectors, other elements of cures and replace Bagua Mirror if necessary
  6. space clearing
  7. implement cures
  8. red envelope outside front door with offering
  9. give thanks and welcome new year


Usually people think of New Year's Resolutions, but I say any milestone is good time to assess and re-focus: birthday, turn of a season, beginning of a month! Hear are the categories I like to use to assess where I am and where I want to be, and make sure I don't neglect one area of my life. I came upon these areas by combining the '7 Ports of Life' from a program I attended by Main Event Management many years ago plus the areas of Feng Shui.

  1. Relationship
  2. Family / Friends
  3. Health - Diet and Fitness
  4. Spirituality
  5. Civic
  6. Career / Life's Purpose
  7. Recreation
  8. Abundance / Financial Goals
  9. Travel
  10. Self Development / Creativity
  11. Home Improvement

Park City UT


  • American Airlines - if you have status, you can check a ski/snowboard bag (50 lb max) and a boot bag for free if both people are on the same reservation.
  • United Airlines - if you have status, you can check a ski/snowboard bag (50 lb max) and a boot bag for free if both people are on the same reservation.

Getting from SLC to Park City:

In Park City - Bus Route (7am-11pm, some routes til 3am on Fri and Sat)

Skiing - discounts at Ski N See (not in Park City)

  1. Park City Mountain Resort
  2. Canyons Resort
    • Lift Tickets: 1 - $84, 2 - $164, 3 - $240, 4 - $312
    • Zip Line: Red Pine Loop (3) $29, Epic Loop (4) $49
  3. Deer Valley Resort
    • Lift Tickets: 1 - $114, 2 - $228, 3 - $330, 4 - $424

Vegetarian-friendly restaurants:


Tuesday 2/3 - Full Moon

Wednesday 2/4

Thursday 2/5

Friday 2/6

Saturday 2/7

Sunday 2/8

Rental Property - Renter Turnover

I was lucky enough to have the same renters stay for 5 years. They took care of the place, let me know if something was broken, minimal management. That's how I like it. I asked if they wanted a fresh coat of paint, etc. Nope, they were fine. So when they decided to leave I decided to spruce up the place. Below is the complete list of stuff I ended up doing, posting for reference in hopefully another 5 years when these new renters move on!

  1. Yard:
    1. trim trees & bamboo
    2. 16 bags of recycled rubber mulch for just the front yard
    3. treat fruit trees
    4. remove & replace back yard overhang
    5. replace cord for sprinkler control
    6. test and reset sprinkler schedule
    7. paint front gate
    8. spray down house and front wall
    9. spray down windows
    10. remove/hose/replace screens
    11. new under-house-access screen
    12. new security screen door and threshold
  2. House
    1. termite treatments - subterranean treated in garage and crawl space (no structural damage, 4 year guarantee)
    2. re-coat floor (10 year warranty)
    3. paint house (ceilings=ceiling white; walls=swiss coffee eggshell finish; trim & bath/kitchen ceilings=ultra pure white hi-gloss enamel)
    4. new toilet
    5. new kitchen light fixture
    6. clean and rehang curtains
    7. serious scrubbing of shower door
    8. new sick stopper hardware
    9. new tub stopper
    10. new garage door opener control
    11. thorough cleaning
    12. lamp on a timer
  3. Less than 6 months ago:
    1. new hot water heater
    2. new fridge
  4. Less than 2 years ago:
    1. new wall heater


New England/Canada Leaf Peeper Cruise

We are doing another cruise! Last time it was the Panama Canal on Norwegian, this time it's New England/Canada on Holland America!Countdown:

I put together some helpful docs last time that we will re-use:

Things to do:

  1. online check-in and print Express Docs
  2. pick and reserve any must-do excursions - suggestions
  3. pack cozy layers!


  • D&G - B202, Deck 9, by the back elevator
  • B&S - BB038, Deck 10, slightly more midship that M&G but still toward the back of the boat
  • Coin operated self-service laundry available - washer, dryer, iron, ironing board - Decks 9 & 5
  • We can each bring one bottle of wine on board in our luggage
  • Each person has a $50 on-board beverage credit - not sure if alcohol is included
  • Each cabin has a general $50 on-board credit
  • Catholic Mass is held daily onboard except for loading and unloading days
  • Dinner served5:15pm to 9:00pm
  • Vegetarian menu (main dining room)
  • Food:
    • Terrace Grill - Deck 11 - burgers, dogs, nachos & pizza
    • Lido Restaurant - Deck 11 - buffet
    • Upper Rotterdam Dining Room - Deck 8
    • Lower Rotterdam Dining Room - Deck 7
    • Canaletto Restaurant  - Deck 11 - +$10 pp
    • Pinnacle Grill - Deck 8 - +$30 pp
  • Bars:
    • Crow's Nest bar - Deck 12 - looks like a great view for disembarkation!
    • Lido Pool Bar - Deck 11
    • Ocean Bar - Deck 8
    • Explorer's Lounge - Deck 8
    • Mix - Deck 8
  • Get-away rooms:
    • Observation Deck - Deck 11
    • Lido Terrace - Deck 11
    • Neptune Lounge -Deck 10
    • Explorations Cafe (coffee bar) - Deck 8
  • Walk around ship - Deck 6
  • Bridge - Deck 10

Port descriptions and research

Fall foliage conditions in Maine!

Day 1 : D&G drive to Kevin's and Kevin's family drives them to the Boston Hotel Buckminster


2Boston, Massachusetts, US embarkation 11:30am - 3:00pm4 PM

3Bar Harbor, Maine, US (tender) - Historic Lighthouses & Acadia National Park by Sea - Acadia National Forest7 AM3 PM

4Halifax, Nova Scotia, CA * this is Canadian Thanksgiving so things may be closed * - The Heart of Historic Halifax - Public Gardens - Maritime Museum - Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (NARM) - Immigration Museum9 AM6 PM

5Sydney,Canada - "Little Scotland" - Don Blackwood tour to Bras d'Or area and Baddeck - Alexander Graham Bell = Baddeck - Bird Island Nature Cruise: puffins!10 AM5 PM

6Charlottetown, Prince Edward CA - Island Drive & Anne of Green Gables - lighthouses - Founders Hall - Confederation Centre of the Arts9 AM6 PM

7Cruising Gulf of St. Lawrence - birds, whales, porpoises, seals - oh my!

8Quebec City, Quebec, CA - pickup car - Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré - Montmorency Falls - Moulin Petit Pre winery7 AM5 PM

8Saint Lawrence River Cruising - blue, fin or beluga whales, porpoises, dolphins, and countless bird species

9Montreal, Quebec, CA - Pick up car - Check into hotel (2pm-10pm) John XXIII Pavilion at St Joseph's Oratory - Masses 4:30, 7:307 AM


Day 10: Drive from Montreal to Kevin's (5.5 hrs), drop off D&G, B&S go to airport (1 hr)

Steamboat Springs CO

Airline baggage rates United status : get 3 bags at 70 lbs each complementary. Companion joins faster lines for economy plus seating. CC : self and companion on same reservation - 1st & 2nd bag free for each traveler

Maui HI

Heading to Maui!

  1. Staying at The Westin Ka'anapali Ocean Resort Villas, deluxe studio villa.
  2. Costco to stock up on day 1
  3. Snorkeling!
    1. 1 mile walk from Black Rock :)
    2. Honolua Bay - excellent snorkeling - 7.3 mi
    3. Kapalua - 5 mi
    4. Lahaina - 4 mi
    5. snorkel map
  4. 5k or 2.5 mi Whale Foundation walk on 2/1
  5. Maui Whale Festival/
  6. Tom's Barefoot whale watching tours
  7. Pacific Whale Foundation raft tour from Lahaina
  8. Tom's Barefoot other activities
  9. Maui Ocean Center
  10. The Maui Film Festival
  11. Friday Night Town Party
  12. Maui News for current events
  13. map of beaches and trails on Maui
  14. bird watching guide

Eastern Sierra Research

We love traveling in the Eastern Sierras, on the US-395 through lots of really quaint towns. We have passed through during a number of ski trips while driving from San Diego to either Mammoth or Lake Tahoe. But it needs to be a destination in itself! Here are some highlights:

  1. Red Rock Canyon
    1. off the CA-14
  2. Boron
  3. China Lake
  4. Trona
    1. Trona Pinnacles to see the tufas
    2. Indian Joe's
  5. Little Lake
  6. Death Valley
  7. Lone Pine
    1. Alabama Hills
      1. morning viewing would be best
      2. hike to arch
    2. Mount Whitney trailhead
    3. Movie filming location tour
  8. Japanese internment camp - Manzanar
  9. Independence
    1. Mary Austin house - author of Land of Little Rain
    2. train restoration
  10. Big Pine
  11. small dam
  12. Ancient Bristlecone Forest
  13. Bishop
  14. Tom's Place
  15. Convict Lake
  16. Mammoth
    1. Devil's Postpile
  17. June Lake
  18. Yosemite
  19. Mono Lake
    1. tufas
    2. Lee Vining
  20. Bodie ghost town
  21. Bridgeport
  22. natural hot springs
  23. Walker
  24. Topaz
  25. Lake Tahoe

Photo Contest Links

Public Art in San Diego

Weight Loss Checklist

I put this list together to help keep me on track with my challenge to lose some weight, and re-establish good habits that I will continue after I lose my target weight.


  • Stretch/Abs of Steel
  • Green tea
  • Breakfast (by 9am)
  • Walk (60 min)
  • Healthy snack
  • Healthy snack
  • Dinner (by 8pm)
  • Water (min 64 oz)
  • PT exercises
  • Class - yoga, piyo, etc
  • Cardio - rower, swim, etc
  • Meditate
  • Sleep (8 hrs)

Weight Loss Program

I have been struggling with my weight for a while - mostly up and down some during my 20s (started with the 'freshman 15') and 30s, and the past few years the change in my body due to my age (40s) and medical issues (back surgery, thyroid, hip and shoulder issues, etc) contributed to blocking me from achieving a good level of success in getting fit, though I had some streaks that went in the right direction. A few years ago I was at a good weight, and had good habits. Then I developed chronic and debilitating back issues, and had surgery so my exercise program went out the window, as well as motivation to spend time in the kitchen cooking. I gained some weight even though I would say that my eating habits were not terrible: vegetarian for 20+ years, organic produce (not enough fresh tho), 'healthy' frozen meals, not overwhelming amount of bread/carbs and cheese/dairy, occasional ice cream or fast food (maybe once a week). I recovered and went back to the good, stricter habits.  The small amount of weight loss was  slow, and it was hard to build momentum due to setbacks from all sorts of outside (and inside) influences.

I never really wanted to do a 'shake' diet. My thought was that ok, you lose some weight. But once you achieve your goal, come off the meal replacement shakes and stop being super strict, what's going to prevent you from boomeranging into unhealthy behavior? Well, I changed my mind. I believe that my body is different now, which makes it harder to take the weight off initially, and am confident that once I get down to a healthy weight I (and my hubby) will be able to consistently establish my prior healthy program and stay where I want to be.

I start ViSalus tomorrow... but first I need to come up with a daily checklist to keep me on track and motivated!

post script - it was not the right fit for me. I felt very ill (not the way you feel when you do cleanses, my body was rejecting the shakes, etc) for 3 days, and felt very shaky before I stopped. 


I had some little weird things happen to me last summer (light headedness, lack of energy, etc) that I thought were unconnected. I was already on thyroid medicine (had been since I was around 30), and had been tested 6 or 8 months before. My doc had me take a stress test to make sure there was nothing wrong with my heart. Ended up being my thyroid! Come to find out, if your thyroid is acting up there are lots of other things in your body that can act up, or shut down, too.

image from

Here are just the things that I experienced - there are actually even more effects of hypothyroidism:

  • Nails brittle
  • Hair brittle
  • Light headedness
  • High cholesterol
  • Iron saturation deficiency (super low)
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Feeling out of balance
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Frozen shoulder (happened a few months after my levels got to the correct spot)

Luckily, after feeling like my primary care doc wasn't getting it, I went to an endocrinologist who evaluated the right things and got me on the right path - some iron supplements until my iron saturation got back to normal (I use Floradix + Emergen-C packets to help with absorption), ashwagandha, higher levels of synthroid, more greek yogurt, more yoga. I also found out that my thyroid is a virtual moonscape - lots of striations, scar and nodules. Nothing to do about it, just need to keep an eye on it to make sure no nodules get too big or cancerous. Good news is that I was able to get my life back, and wake up feeling like I wanted to get out of bed!!