Sustainable Bliss

never stop learning!


Principles of Design

  • balance
    • symmetrical
    • radial - around a central point
    • asymmetrical
    • color, shape, focus
    • tense vs casual tones
    • balance of interest - foreground vs background; big & small
      • points of reference for size (or not)
  • structure
    • formal / informal
    • visible / invisible
    • interrelationships of forms - detachment, touching, overlapping, interpenetration, union, subtraction, intersection, scale, proportion
  • proximity
    • hierarchy, emphasis/subordination, focal point, center of interest, dominance
  • repetition & rhythm
    • recurring, repetitious, nonrandom variation
    • keeps eye circulating
    • architectural
  • contrast
    • anomaly, contrast, conflict, opposition
  • unity
    • cohesion, consistency, oneness, coherence, integration
  • scale / proportion
    • directional forces
  • clarity, color, composition


  • line emphasis - contour, actual, implied ; horizontal = stability ; vertical = assertiveness ; diagonal = movement ; leading lines
  • shape repetition - geometric : rectilinear (straight intersection), curvilinear (curving intersect); organic - biomorphic (resembling biological entity), amorphic (not derived from nature or geometry); positive (what you focus on) or negative (what’s left over)
  • value - lightness / darkness ; hi key, low key; white ->pure hue->black ; complimentary color 1 -> dulled -> complimentary color 2 ; contrast - degree of difference between shades of gray; emphasis & subordination ; value more important than color ; high key = light value print ; low key = moody, dark value print
  • texture - actual/tactile = rough, smooth, hard, sharp; visual - use line & color ; use side lighting to capture
    • 4 layers of texture to be interesting
  • color
    • eye goes to lightest spot
    • R-O-Y-G-B-Violet
    • analogous colors - use one before and one after with primary color = harmonious
    • complimentary - opposite colors on the color wheel - pop
    • warm - moves toward you
    • cold - recedes
    • local color - under normal light
    • optical color - perception of color
    • soothing - monochrome, different shades of the same color
    • color sense
      • black - authority, grieving, serious, stable, strong
      • white - purity, cleanliness, safety, neutrality, creativity
      • gray - practicality, timeless, solid
      • red - attention, movement, excitement, life
      • pink - calming
      • blue - calming, steadfastness, wisdom, loyalty, focus, too much = cold
      • green - growth, nature, money, light green = calming, envy, good luck, generosity, fetility, peace, harmony, support
      • yellow - cheerfulness, happiness, optimism (not too bright)
      • orange - fun, happy, energetic, ambitious
      • purple - wealth, prosperity, sophistication, mystery, wisdom, respect
      • brown - reliability, stability, friendship, mourning=India
    • color wheel:
  • space
    • point of view - worm’s eye view, bird’s eye view, fore shortening - distorted if object starts close and lays away
    • fore shortening
    • perspective
    • figure-ground relationship
    • foreground normally positive space, background generally negative space
    • subtended angle - parallel parallel lines in distance don’t look parallel /
    • angle/distance from subject to viewer
    • thru texture gradients, brightness, color saturation, warm vs cool; overlapping = collage
    • reflections in composition
    • incongruent background
    • fill the frame with subject
    • rule of thirds - points of interest should be where lines intersect: divide frame into horizontal 1/3’s - top, middle, bottom; put horizon in top 1/3 for day shot unless sky is significant. Not in middle
    • determine framing based on what’s going on in the edges, not what’s in the middle
    • framing - camera tilt, shooting down, horizontal vs vertical
    • slimming - shoot from above, neck out
    • simplicity - single focal point
    • incorporate depth - use angles and diagonal line, run eye across frame with diagonal line
  • time & motion
    • kinetic vs implied - viewer infers motion
    • subjects entering photo with space in front of them, to indicate/show where they are going, leading space

Quality of Light

  • diffused - no/soft shadows, low contrast
  • direct - hard shadows, high contrast
  • brightness - luminance values
  • use multiple kinds of light
  • high key - mostly light, low contrast, diffused
  • low key - dark tones prominent, high contrast, edge lighting
  • put sun in right or left, not center
  • shine light through vase
  • sun should be behind or on the side of photographer
  • light & form unexpected intersection

Concepts to Depict

  • perspective - have one
  • focus on motivation, message
  • ambiguity
  • find your voice
  • make art about what you know
  • literal vs symbolic/figurative interpretations of a theme
  • juxtaposition - one thing next to another suggests third thing
  • metaphor - one thing makes you think of another
  • synecdoche - part to whole relationship
  • metonomy - associations are triggered
  • meme - meanings and messages culturally transmitted over time, between generations
  • how things look vs how things are
  • displace an item/person in an environment that is opposite of their natural one
  • challenge - find beauty in shot when subject is not
  • environmental portrait - putting a person in context of their interests / job
  • identity transfer into object
  • symbolism
  • meaning
  • intention
  • impact
  • theme
  • representation
  • narrative