
Resolving the Ruckus

Measure G

Fund San Diego County Transportation, Infrastructure, and Safety Projects through a Half-Cent Sales Tax

institute tax

Official Summary

To repair/upgrade roads, bridges, storm drains, rail lines, and prevent railway bluff collapse; reduce traffic congestion; improve pedestrian, bicyclist, and driver safety; improve public transit; protect wildlife habitat/air quality; and fill potholes; shall the measure authorizing a half-cent sales tax raiseing $350,000,000 annually until ended by voters, requiring citizen oversight, public spending disclosure, and independent annual audits be adopted?


Use of funds:

50% for

  • upgrades to I-5 North Coast Corridor rail line to prevent bluff collapse, and to increase rail route safety and reliability

  • rail connector to San Diego International Airport

  • rail system extension from South County to Kearny Mesa

  • infrastructure upgrades for express service on South County rail lines

  • creating a system of rapid routes/transit commections between population and job centers including Mission Valley, Sorrento Valley, La Mesa, Escondido, South County and the Border

  • road and highway grade separations, pedestrian safety, stormwater infrastructure, active transportation, habitat preservation and climate mitigation projects

  • safety, mobility, amenities and secutiy enhancements at transit stops

27% on:

  • fire evacuation routes on SR67 and other roadways in fire prone areas

  • bridge safety repair and retrofits

  • highway maintenance, improvements and connectivity projects on SR 56, 76, 78, 94, 125 and Interstates 5, 8, 15, 805.

  • HOV lanes and traffic conhgestiuon reduction programs throughout the County

  • Expanding electric vehicle infrastructure, including electric vehicle charging stations, and acquisition of electric zero emission buses

  • road and highway grade separations, pedestrian safety, stormwater infrastructure, active transportation, habitat preservation and climate mitigation projects

12% for MTS and NCTD

  • keeping fares affordable for seniors, youth, disabled, and veterans

  • frequency and service enhancements on bus routes and rail transit services

  • enhancing transit stop safety and sanitation

3.5% for local streets, roads maintenance and active transportation,

3.5% to cities within the County (based on population) for local road projects including repaving, potholes, storm drains and active transportation projects

2% for repair, rehab and replacement required to maintain reliable, safe effective and efficient rail transit services

no more than 2% on admin