Voter Approval for Changes to Open Space and Agricultural Land
Official Summary
Shall the Initiative Measure Amending the Land Use Element of the Oceanside General Plan to Require Voter Approval of Proposals to Change the Land Use Designation or Zoning of Agricultural or Open Space Land to Any Other Use be adopted?
Does 3 things:
Adds a voter approval step for properties changing from Agricultural designation to any other zoning.
Adds a voter approval step for properties changing from Open Space designation to any other zoning.
“Residential development and agritourism shall be permitted provided such development does not interfere with existing agricultural operations and that the open space character of the area is preserved. Appropriate minimum lot areas shall be determined by the area’s topography, adjacent land uses, and the availability of public services and utilities; however, under no circumstances shall lot areas be less than two and one half acres. Lot configurations and dimensions sal provide areas of sufficient size to conduct limited low-intensity agricultural activities such as orchards, gardens, and the keeping of livestock.”