
Resolving the Ruckus

Proposition 30

Provides Funding for Programs to Reduce Air Pollution and Prevent Wildfires by Increasing Tax on Personal Income Over $2 Million

initiative statute

Official Summary

Increases tax on personal income over $2 million by 1.75% for individuals and married couples and allocates new tax revenues as follows: (1) 45% for rebates and other incentives for zero-emission vehicle purchases and 35% for charging stations for zero-emission vehicles, with at least half of this funding directed to low-income households and communities; and (2) 20% for wildfire prevention and suppression programs, with priority given to hiring and training firefighters.

Requires audits of programs and expenditures.

Fiscal Impact: Increased state tax revenue ranging from $3.5 billion to $5 billion annually, with the new funding used to support zero-emission vehicle programs (80 percent) and wildfire response and prevention activities (20 percent).


Proposition 31

Referendum on 2020 Law That Would Prohibit the Retail Sale of Certain Flavored Tobacco Products

approval of law

Official Summary

A “Yes” vote approves (and allows to take effect) a law enacted by the State Legislature in 2020 that:

Prohibits the retail sale of certain flavored tobacco products (including, but not limited to, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and snuff) and tobacco flavor enhancers.

Excludes from prohibition certain premium handmade cigars, loose leaf tobacco (not intended for making cigarettes), and shisha tobacco products (if sold by a hookah tobacco retailer meeting specified conditions).

A “No” vote rejects the law and prevents it from taking effect.

Fiscal Impact: Decreased state tobacco tax revenues ranging from tens of millions of dollars annually to around $100 million annually.


Measure A

Cannabis Business Tax

institute tax

Official Summary

Shall the measure to fund general County purposes including but not limited to parks, fire safety, roads, health, and social equity, by taxing cannabis businesses in the unincorporated area on gross receipts at maximum 6% for retail, 3% for distribution, 2% for testing, cultivation at 3% or $10 (inflation adjustable) per canopy square foot, and 4% for other businesses, generating an estimated $2,930,000 to $5,600,000 annually until repealed by voters, be adopted?


2020 General Election


State of California Propositions

City of Oceanside Propositions

Elected Officials


  • President: Joseph Biden or Donald Trump

  • US Rep 49th District: Mike Levin or Brian Maryott


  • State Assembly, 76th District: Tasha Boerner Horvath or Melanie Burkholder


  • Judge of Superior Court Office 30: Paul Starita or Tim Nader

City of Oceanside

  • Mayor: Rocky Chavez, Ruben Major, Esther Sanchez, Rob Howard, Christopher Rodriguez, David Joseph Turgeon, Fernando Garcia, Fabio Marchi, Jack Feller, Louis Uridel, Perry Alvarez, Alvin McGee

  • City Clerk: Zeb Navarro or Laura Richardson Bassett

  • City Treasurer: Victor Roy

Tri-City Healthcare District

  • Board Member: Gigi Gleason or Robert Lee Motsinger